
Please pardon the inactivity on this site. It is due to a combination of my slacking and mugging, which will end around week 7 in this term. Meanwhile, people should visit thePropagandaMachine. For some anti-Jap stuff or more political nonsense. It appears that is far from being politics-free because of the mindsets of the owner(s).

By the way, a new homepage will be designed for soon. I thought it would be best if we incorporate a geeklog there and put more political stuff. Wonder if Mib would agree. Anyway, he has also set up a rather lame gallery, an idea which I conceived previously but had no time to realise. I would say, good job, Mib. But it wasn’t really what I had in mind.



Hello World!

I finally got my blog up, with a new name, ‘Propagator’. The old blog is kind of lame and anyway, I can’t get the savaged posts back on this blog, so I am ‘renewing’ my ideas. This new blog, as you can see from its title, would be more political, and critical of the events. Days of ranting about one’s life is over.

There will be topics or issues ranging from politics to literary stuff discussed or mentioned here. Of course, not forgetting politics. Well, if you think the stuff here are too serious and you need a bit of relaxation, do go to Interesting Stuff. You will have great fun there.

I have copied the 2 most recent post from my old blog to fill up the space here because I have nothing much to say currently.