Return on Experience

Blunomy is a French firm and being part of the firm for over four years now brings fresh perspectives that an Asian person schooled in very Anglo-Saxon education systems did not quite have as much.

One was about the ability to disagree as a reflection of the group’s collective ability to grow and be smarter. As an Asian, I overvalue harmony and tend to see open disagreement as unhealthy or disrespectful. Yet being amongst the French taught me to recognise that in a room full of smart people, something might be very wrong if everyone agrees with one another because the world is inherently complex and we are probably missing out on diverse perspectives if there were no disagreement. Being able to wrestle with differing perspectives could help everyone grow and learn.

Another was this concept of ‘REX’ that I kept seeing the French people use in my firm. They typically use that term for ‘after-action review’ but the term refers to ‘return on experience’. It sounds logical to be able to gain some kind of return (as in flow of benefits) from having experienced something. But I never quite thought of it that way until now. We always somehow take for granted that someone who have done something often or for a long time would be ‘experienced’. That’s not really true. An industry veteran who have been at a job for 40 years could simply have had 40 times of 1-year experiences if he did not learn anything with each additional year of experience. Simply being at a job or a post does nothing to prove that you are ‘experienced’.

When we consider assessing people for ‘experience’, it is no longer as simple as considering the CV of someone. It is mostly about assessing someone’s learning capability. Someone who can learn fast and sustain their interest in a topic, going deeper and deeper is much better than someone who plainly had been in the same place for a long time without demonstrating the capacity or hunger to learn.

When oil saved the environment

In Seth Godin’s new book, This is Strategy for, he had a chapter (the book has over 200 chapters, all of them short and highly readable) on killing whales.

He documented the rise of the whale-hunting industry in the 1800s where sperm whales were hunted down for their blubber. The activity was both dangerous and lucrative because a single sperm whale’s blubber could yield many barrels of lamp oil. The demand for lighting onshore and offshore fueled the whaling activity.

For a time to the mid 1850s, it seemed like they could just go on and hunt sperm whales to their extinction. Yet the earth today still has sperm whales. Thanks to the discover of petroleum and hence the advent of keroscene used in oil lamps. The cost of keroscene was much more competitive than lamp oil made from whale blubber and the petroleum industry was also costing less human lives.

Climate solutions that displace fossil fuels would need to achieve cost reductions to scale. But we could all inprove their chances by removing fossil fuel subsidies and pricing carbon. Of course, that will “hurt” the cost of living for many people. But if we think about it at system level, it is more about a sort of attachment to the current status quo of how we value different things, and refusing to change that.

I don’t think we could derive any sort of moral authority from the market to say we’re producing something that destroys our future because it is cheaper. We may not have a future to spend that surplus savings on. At the system level, we will have to help one another cope with changes.

Zacharias’ faith

It’s Christmas season so reading Luke 1 is both timely and revisiting old stories we thought we already knew sometimes bring about new perspectives.

One of the things that moved me from this season’s series of messages at my church was about Zacharias’ faith. Angel Gabriel visited him during his duties at the temple and became mute because of his unbelief. The lack of faith in what God was about to do in His and Elizabeth’s life was apparent in the sense that he was already witnessing the revelation from an angel himself and yet he was skeptical about the birth of his son happening at all (Luke 1:18).

Yet on the eighth day after John’s birth, Zacharias demonstrated his faith by writing on the tablet to those around him that the baby’s name is John. That seemingly trivia act was really important because it was the combination of everything that happened since the incident at temple. In putting down the baby’s name as John, he submitted himself to God’s plan for John the Baptist and, hence, the rest of his life. In having a son at his old age; and experiencing Elizabeth’s conception of John at an old age, he was witnessing a miracle. More than that, his wife Elizabeth must have conveyed to him the encounter with Mary and the fact that her baby was moved somehow in the presence of Mary and her baby.

Zacharias took all of these in, and gradually worked on his faith to this point when John was about to be circumcised. His name is John – those four words on the writing tablet, meant so much more than just the name of a baby.

The life and ministry of John the Baptist says a lot about God’s work and the earlier prophecies but it also reflected the faith of Zacharias and Elizabeth. They would have had to prepared John for that future ministry though they probably would not have grasp the full extent of how important it was. The life that John the Baptist came to live, was also testifying of his father’s faith.

Fast followers

Being a fast follower is a good strategy; it allows you to take in the lessons from those who have tried and failed first. It is even a strategy that enables you to become a leader from public’s eyes.

But the challenge for the fast follower who gained leadership status is falling into the trap of thinking they are the leader. Their skills in curating what they learnt from the mavericks, scaling what was small and bringing things to market fast, are not going to be suited for what is required to take real leadership: influencing the market, uncovering innovation from their own values and principles.

They may have to pivot at some point when they’ve outcompeted all those whom they were fast-following.

Humanity in courts

This might be the first time tears have welled in my eyes as I read a news article. I was moved, perhaps, by the judge’s humanity. There was so much latent grief embedded in the case itself: the unreconciled relationship, unexpressed emotions, pent-up difficulties, and struggles that weren’t understood.

How different would the world be if we brought more of our humanity to our work, our relationships and our lives?

Newly ripened grain

Amongst Christians, perhaps even non-Christians, people know of this story about Jesus feeding of five thousand. And this really large scale miracle work probably pushed His name out far and wide during those times.

What I realised is how that story about God feeding many with a little (that was a small gift) isn’t something new. In 2 Kings 4, through Elisha, God brought about a small miracle of multiplying food for men.

“Then a man came from Baal Shalisha, and brought the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty loaves of barley bread, and newly ripened grain in his knapsack. And he said, “Give it to the people, that they may eat.” But his servant said, “What? Shall I set this before one hundred men?” He said again, “Give it to the people, that they may eat; for thus says the Lord: ‘They shall eat and have some left over.’ ” So he set it before them; and they ate and had some left over, according to the word of the Lord.”
– ‭‭II Kings‬ ‭4‬:‭42‬-‭44‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

My heart was moved after reading this passage, realising how much Jesus was even amplifying some of the grace shown to Israel by God in earlier episodes. The feeding of the five thousand in my mind now is no longer just about Jesus’ compassion and provision. It is another imprint of God’s unchanging love for His people through the ages.

Jesus’ ministry during the 3 years when He was active really amazing brings out the person of God within a short time. To say He lived and fulfilled scriptures was one thing, but when you really study the scriptures further, it just amazes you how much Jesus truly did that. And even more so, that life was one that taught and enriched our understanding of God.

Having the desire to emulate Christ is good, but it cannot be done without understanding. And the only proper way to gain understanding besides living out life and experiencing it, is through the word of God.

Pie-eating contests

Charlie Munger once said of the legal profession that it was very much like a pie-eating contest where the winner gets to eat more pie.

I laughed at that.

Because many other professions are the same. The capable staff gets more work to do; and having proven himself, gets promoted into handling more responsibilities.

But for most part, workaholics love their pie.

And to a large extent, for some, they don’t care about winning or losing at pie-eating. What matters to them is they get to eat pie.

Maybe that appreciation for work is what we need. Not to obsess so much over the winning or losing but instead, focus on the pie. And when the pie is no longer tasty, you quit. Because there wasn’t so much at stake to begin with.

Touting on streets

I’m not sure if it’s just me, but these days, when I’m walking in public spaces, I get really tense and stressed when people approach me to try and get me to do something. Something inside me feels like they are stealing my attention and time without my permission. Yet, at the same time, I do want to be kind and empathise with the person working hard on the street.

Forgiveness and repentance

Someone asked whether God forgives every single sin conceivable or possible. Most likely, the person asking the question thinks of ‘sin’ as some immoral, atrocious deed. As Christians, we see sin as inherently a rebellion against God and His order.

So, I’d answer that God, indeed, can forgive every single sin. And He has shown that by sending Christ to die on the cross. He made Christ pay the price for every sin.

The follow-on question, of course, is, “So why isn’t everyone saved?”

That is because I’d continue, “Every sin is forgiven, but not every sinner is repentant.”

The modern narrative about wrong-doing and forgiveness is such that forgiveness is an antidote against resentment, as if the forgiveness is for the victim or recipient of the wrongdoing, rather than the wrongdoer. And then that’s it; we say nothing about the wrong-doer or the part he/she has. Apologies? Making a restitution? What if that is beyond the person? The very least is repentance. Repentance is an appreciation of what sin constitutes, acknowledgement of culpability, and recognising the forgiveness for what it is, and subsequently being liberated from the guilt.