Green Ikea

Those who patronize Ikea, for the little cool-designed stuff, or a couple of potted cactus, or perhaps just to get a towel might be aware that they no longer provide plastic bags for free and people who needs them have to purchase them by picking them up at baskets near the checkout counters. The plastic bags can cost cost up to 10-cents and in general, people who don’t purchase much stuff should not be expected to buy them. Curious about the economics of being ‘Green’, when I dropped by at Ikea today for a couple of items, I hunt for ways to circumvent the problem (or at least identify loopholes).

A survey of their policy reveals that plastic bags are still handed out freely for takeaways at Ikea Restaurant (I personally would really think about complaining if they expect me to purchase my plastic bags for takeaways); so it’s only the main store that stops the giving of free plastic bags. After picking up stuff to buy, it dawned on me that Ikea has the ‘wrapping area’ where they provide large pieces of brown waxed paper for wrapping porcelain products or glassware. I decided to try making a paper bag out of those. With the help of the masking tape provided (for free as well), I made a decent, huge doggie bag for carrying the items I purchased. It was a funny experience. I was rather worried I may get scolded for it but it turned out to be alright. I saved a the Earth by reducing the use of plastics, and a couple of cents for the plastic bags I may need to buy, but I also killed a tiny fraction of a tree and spent a couple of ATP worth of energy to make the paper bag. I wonder if it was worth the while.

Economic Analysis in this case is pretty difficult and I always think that although Ikea makes a lot of sense in their advertising and promotion of their own policies, they often overlook counter arguments (or intentionally ignore them) and presents things in too rosy ways. Perhaps they should try a dose of cynicism sometimes.

School of Economics

Sometimes, you know your school isn’t that good at teaching a particular subject but you are not sure how to show it. Traditional theories of student behaviour suggest that questioning of authority can be dangerous and a direct assault should be avoided. My numerous discourse that attempted to discount the importance of factors for different phenomena proposed by the economics department has met with failure (largely because of both herd mentality of teachers and perhaps a contempt for students who are not that consistent with schoolwork). So today, as a last minute attempt, I am trying this…

I glanced through the MOE H2 Economics Syllabus document and discovered the following clauses:

  • [Elasticity characteristics of straight line demand and supply curves are not required.]
  • [The geometrical explanation of the kinked demand curve is not required.]
  • the analysis of deadweight loss using the concepts of consumer and producer surplus is not required.
  • [Interest rate determination and graphical illustration of the transmission mechanism are not required. A descriptive explanation of how monetary policy works will be sufficient.]
  • [Theory of absolute advantage is not required.]
  • And in case you have been studying the price elasticity of supply or reading about price leadership models, maybe you like to switch to reading the syllabus document instead to attain a higher level of enlightenment.

    Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff

    In my September Holiday random wiki surfing, I stumbled upon an article on van ‘t Hoff, not because I wondering how fast chemical weathering will take place in the tropics or how moving the same piece of limestone from Jamaica to Canada can slow down its solution process. I was, in fact, looking at the article on the Arrhenius Equation mainly because I forgot if the (RT/Ea) that was a post-exponential factor had a negative in front of it.

    I was first introduced to the name van ‘t Hoff in Physical Geography, when we studied about chemical weathering. We spelled his name as ‘Van Hoff’, apparently dropping off the necessary alphabets that conveys no information on how to pronounce his name. I had doubts about them being the same person but upon reading more about him in the Wikipedia article, I am pretty sure they are. In Physical Geography, we learn the Van Hoff’s Law.

    Van Hoff’s Law states that for every 10 degree Celsius increase in environmental temperature, the rate of chemical weathering increases by two to threefolds.

    Although this law appears strongly Chemistry, it is firmly grounded in the area of geology and the reason, I have realised, is that van ‘t Hoff was professor of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology at the University of Amsterdam for 18 years. I guess geology have not progressed that far since his time, relative to the subject of Chemistry. Looking at the work van ‘t Hoff did in Chemistry, I must say his talents had been way beyond the subject could offer him in his time. The most amazing thing is that he is the first ever recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and that was 1901 and obviously, Physical Geography have paid more tribute to him than Chemistry did. At least for today.

    Van ‘t Hoff was responsible for proposing the relation between the rate constant, temperature and activation energy now known to be the Arrhenius Equation. Svante Arrhenius provided the physical justification and interpretation for the equation and thus got his name attached to the equation. Svante Arrhenius was one of those top scientists at that time who could have contributed greatly to today’s Physical Geography in area of Climate Science. He proposed the greenhouse effect and its link to ice ages. He received the third Nobel Prize in Chemistry in history, in 1903.

    Subjects are converging once again…

    Hypothesis Update

    Talking to several people, problems with my hypothesis have been raised, which I find worth sharing:

    Wee Chern focused on traversing between the space and time dimension: Is speed a means of being purely in a type of dimension? What sort of implication would an expanding spatial dimension have on the model?

    Yong Xian gave a Special Relativity viewpoint: Maybe individual objects have their own axis of time within their own frame of reference? And so the differences in time experienced arises not from a distortion of reality but merely the differences in frame of reference?

    My own questions emphasized on the problems associated with the notion of distortion: What exactly is this stretching? What is the movement of the ball like along the time-axis? Is it a constant speed? If it’s constant then stretching caused by object moving will only occur when the object ‘accelerates’, because if stretching continues when object is maintaining high speed, then time for the object must always move slower than the rest of reality and this effectively means the stretching will increase along the time-axis, creating the same ‘infinity-stretching’ problem I had in order to make time stationary for objects at light speed. I circumvented that issue with erasing it from time but for this, I can’t. Even if I can accept the stretching modification, the whole model is not well erected enough. There’s fine-tunning required pertaining to the exact details of ‘stretching’ or distortion.

    It’s apparent this hypothesis still has a long way to go and I shall think about these questions after my Prelims (maybe after A Levels too).

    Rubber Ball Hypothesis

    Teachers’ Day Celebrations. Too bad the highlight was something more intellectual. While I had lunch with a couple of classmates (Pei Shan, Yu Shan, Yong Xian, Peng Sing and Jiahao), Pei Shan started talking about ‘The Time Travelers’ Wife‘ (by Audrey Niffenegger) and that got me talking about the Concept of Time I have formulated almost exactly a year ago. I thought it was a very simple illustration of time but I was fully aware of its limitations. I was expecting Yong Xian (who does Physics H3) to be like one of the first to comprehend my model and start questioning its validity. Well, she kind of disappointed me. But anyway, I thought of a question for myself to ponder over on my way home.

    In my model, the entire spatial dimension is encapsulated in the Time dimension and this presents a problem. It conflicts with Einstein’s postulations of time slowing down for one experiencing high speed. Einstein’s model is such that any object would constantly traverse at the speed of light, except when it is at rest, all of the object’s speed is focused on travelling along the time axis, which would mean that it experiences the full force of time. When the object is in motion however, it begins to traverse in the spatial dimension with some speed as well, this speed is then deducted from the Time dimension and this makes the time slow down for the object experiencing motion. Since time itself travels at the light speed, once an object attains light speed in the spatial dimension, time for it stops and thus that’s the fastest it can go. This model doesn’t fit into my concept of time because my over-simplified model assumes everything to be traversing in time at the same speed (ie. everything in reality, on the ball is traveling along the exist of time at light speed). That’s to say that my model conflicts with Special Relativity. That’s the question I was expecting Yong Xian to ask but too bad – I thought of it myself.

    In a bid to reconcile my model of time with cases of Special Relativity, I have to make a little modification. I make a bold claim that the ball of reality is rubbery, and therefore can be subjected to distortion. I apologize for imitating Einstein when it comes to the use of geometric distortion to circumvent problems of temporal-spatial convergence in cases of Special Relativity – I must say it’s really useful. When stuff in reality is subjected to motion (ie. traversing spatial dimension), it stretches the surface of reality. The way it stretch is such that the point of reality that the object at motion is on, moves against the direction of the axis of time. Relatively, as long as the object is not at light speed, the net movement is still forward in time, but the experience of time will be slower, slower than the rest of reality. The rest of reality continues moving along the time exist at the same way, albeit with projections protruding from it as a result of stuff speeding through space. Because the speed of light is so fast, our normal kind of travelling, even the speed of sound, would only produce little ‘humps’ on the surface of reality. To produce a ‘projection’ would require objects to be traveling at speeds that particles in particle-accelerators move.

    The ball of reality at that vertex stretches out such that the corresponding value on the time-axis remains constant for any object at the speed of light.

    The ball of reality is like a rubber ball, thus the name for the hypothesis of this model of time. The distortions that this rubber ball is capable of ensures that not all parts of reality moves at the same speed along time, and thus internalizes the whole of Special Relativity. As the object decelerates, it returns back to the rest of reality and thus experience everything like others. Essentially, the existence of the object is lengthened in terms of a God’s perspective but for itself, because of the slowing down of time, its motion within the frame of reference is also slowed down and thus it experiences effectively no difference. The Einstein’s method of moving into the future would involve stretching reality such that time stops for you for a while, and so the rest of reality tumbles on far from you along the time axis. When you return to the rest of reality, you are suddenly allowing yourself to speed through all the time that the rest of reality has already traverse and then getting back in touch with the rest of reality. Your experience of time is less than the others, and you successfully moves to reality, but in a way that’s within the constraints of the model. In this sense, time travel forward is still plausible, though not in the way others would normally conceive.

    Armed with such a visualization, I challenged myself once more by thinking about what happens if the object tries to move faster than light in spatial dimension. Einstein would say it’s impossible because the speed can only be shared between the spatial and the time dimension and there’s a ‘conservation of speed’ that limits the total speed in all dimensions to that of light speed. I suspect that if you travel faster than light, there’s a chance you can move against the direction of the time axis, but you will tear the rubber ball of reality. Or perhaps, you’ll just lift yourself off the rubber ball because it can no longer stretch beyond that and enter a void. The elasticity of the rubber ball is thus limited by this constrain on speed. Unfortunately, we can’t think of it in the sense of elasticity because if you continually travel at light speed, you are effectively stretching the surface of reality infinitely – then comes the question of what is light and how it actually manifest on this rubber ball. To account for all that, I must say that time cannot stop for any object besides light. If an object is to travel at light speed, it’ll have to behave like light, which means it has to vanish from the axis of time, and exist only in spatial reality. That being said, anything that stretches the ball infinitely would leave this uni-directional dimension and exist solely in the spatial dimension. Therefore, to exist in both time and space, the object must only tend towards light speed and will never attain it. Here, the limitations of having space encapsulated in time presents a problem – one needs to be able to accommodate the notion that spatial reality is indeed contained in the ball but in some other sense just as time in felt to be contained in our space (ie. they contain each other and it really only depends on perspective; which is why I highlighted this issue as a bias that my means of visualization would pose). Hence, to cease existing in temporal dimension means the object (as well as all light we experience) are not contained in this rubber ball model.

    Having said all that, I must stress that the ‘Rubber Ball Hypothesis’ is not a scientific theory but a proposed visualization of what is time and how it works and a plausible model in explaining the impossibility of time travel. I welcome modifications to overcome the existing limitations and biasness that is inherent in the model even if it’s in the expense of complicating the geometrical visualization of the model.

    USB Thumbdrives

    For the first time in my life, a thumbdrive failed me, causing majority of the files inside to become corrupted and unusable. Worst still, it’s my latest 2GB Imation Flash Drive – FlashGo. Even the 64MB USB Flash drive that I bought more than 5 years ago is still working well for me. More than 500MB of my data are wiped out, not deleted or lost but simply corrupted – it doesn’t really make much difference actually. I bought this drive for a price of 50 bucks, which was quite a steal and I got it right at the beginning of the year. I didn’t expect it to screw up that early in its life. This is a disaster. Compounding on my problems is the fact that most of the files inside are single copy files that I downloaded from the net, like my academic notes and also some important summaries I have compiled myself.

    This is freaking ridiculous, I wonder if I can sue the manufacturer for this. Forget it, I won’t have enough energy to settle such a matter in court. But there’s something important I learnt. All the files which I have decided to share with friends, uploading them online or sending them out to people were in most sense, retrievable. It really pays to be kind and I sort of learnt this lesson many times over in my entire life. Good thing most of the time I was on the ‘lucky’ side, where I did help people and benefit from it, rather than to grief in retrospect that I should have been kind.

    Start looking for people to copy the files from…

    Tech Memories

    It’s amazing how ill-developed our memories are when we were young, or perhaps we just have terrible memory capacity. My sister (Let’s call her Jib) who was working on the Soundcard from Creative for her Project Work, expressed awe in the fact that Sound Blaster came out only after I (her brother) was born. She thought that everything was already rather hi-tech by the time we (our recent cohort) were born. I told her it wasn’t, as I remember the times when my mother was using Windows 3.1 and we had the huge 5.25-inch floppy disks for storing minute bytes of stuff. After that…

    Jib: I only remembered the times when we had Windows 93…
    Vib: There’s no such thing as Windows 93…
    Jib: Erm, oh, it’s Windows 98…
    Vib: Nope, it’s Windows 95 -_____________-||

    Well, this brings back lame memories about the times we had to use the DOS command prompt to kickstart safe mode whenever the computer hanged and we had this really cool game which was 3D, but we have to use the DOS command prompt to start it and soon we got tired of typing long strings of commands that we gave up playing the game altogether. By the way, for anyone who didn’t realise, DOS stands for ‘Dirty Operating System’, it was not invented by Bill Gates. It was originally an OS invented by a firm known as ‘Spyglass’, and named Q-DOS (for Quick-Dirty Operating System) and Bill Gates bought the license from them and modified it a little before renaming it as MS-DOS. Glad we got this dirt off our XPs.

    Piece of Lifehack

    Kwang Guan asked me if I am a lifehacker (actually he simply implied that I am a lifehacker in our conversation) and I told him I am not. In fact, I am only introduced to this concept a couple of days back and wouldn’t have the sort of free time to study time saving techniques (pretty paradoxical huh?). While I only got to know about lifehacking and all those lame nonsense, I seem to have been following their sort of philosophy in the way I do things since a couple of years ago.

    I still can’t be too sure what’s lifehacking but I know some ways of organizing life, saving time and maximizing productivity like:

  • Reading notes when you are on the bus
  • Writing reminders on a notepad so that you don’t forget
  • Getting a TV book (just whatever book you like) which you read only during TV programme commercial breaks
  • Conning yourself into working like crazy in school by believing you will be slacking when you get home
  • Reading lecture notes during lectures so that you don’t have to go through them at home
  • Sending good ideas to the future using so that they won’t be lost while you are occupied with the present reality
  • Emailing yourself reminders to email important people or send out important letters so that you do that immediately when you check your inbox the next time
  • Get your hands on a book whenever you go out, you never know when you have a short break to read a couple of lines
  • Turning on the TV only when there’s something on which you want to watch; try hard not to channel-surf
  • Try not to get a facebook account if Yi Da tells you to do it…
  • Alternatively, if you already have an account, deactivate it…
  • These are life-saving techniques sometimes, at least the lifehackers think so.

    Aged Administrators, Innovative Ideas

    Perhaps influenced by Yi Da, but more because of my curiosity about Singapore’s history, National Day Holidays seems appropriately (though not necessarily meaningfully) spent on reading Mr Ngiam Tong Dow’s book. Rather than to review his book in this entry, I would say I am choosing to thank the book for the sort of thinking I have been forced into and the insights I have gained about Singapore. Reading the book, I do sense a rather strong nostalgia, which strange enough, I felt I share. Never been in favour of public sector jobs, never even ever been a administration career, and in fact never been into the society, I must admit it feels extremely weird to feel the excitement of nation building as I flipped through Ngiam Tong Dow’s personal reflections of the policies he have contributed and participated in implementing. Maybe that’s what’s pushing Yi Da towards his goal.

    For me, the book has offered me valuable information about the past of Singapore, the stories of how our forefathers built and transformed Singapore. Because our nation is so small, I believe the core of the transformation can only lie within the public sector, the civil service. The vision of our leaders, was important but perhaps overemphasized in our social studies syllabuses. I am interested in the thought processes, the things that were going through the minds of the administrators, the policy-makers and those who implement the policies at those points of time. Our leaders often offer us the most pragmatic explanation that the perspective of a rational governor can give – forcing us down with the weight of undeniable logic. I thought that if we look deeper into the concerns of our government, the emotional tirades they might be going through within themselves, we can get a better picture of how the system erected came to be so sound and steady.

    Going through the book really makes me appreciate our achievements better, and more forgiving towards any blunders that our state has committed, but I observe this particular recurring idea that I thought is important. We can no longer look back into the past to learn what to do in the future and we (as in Singapore and its rulers) must look into the future in the way we have done, in the past. Change must be better accepted. During the time of independence, the organization of the public sector was built upon the simple stuff left from the colonial government and the flexibility offered to the public service administrators were immense. I have decided that the idea that administrators are inflexible and rigid only came about in recent decades when the system stabilized and people became too comfortable. Today, the huge structure we have erected is producing difficulties within the system. The tradition we have laid down have become a burden to people today (which very much parallel some other institution’s student council as far as I know).

    On talents I think the monopoly on talents that our public sector have is something very real. As I flip through the scholarship brochures of the major scholarship providing bodies in our nation (most of which, in fact almost all of which are public service), I realized our ‘local talents’, are all tied up in the public service. I saw one Cambridge Masters Economist in the police force, probably already served pass his bond period; and there’s also those engineers from top international universities, working on administrative stuff. Of course, I am not saying they are not suited for the job or that they would have greater opportunities outside public service; but the point is that the system should not be aiming to produce a couple of really top people and then putting them into public service, while peripheral achievers (nice term for those who fail to make it to the extreme top) fail to be educated in top universities (because they have no money), stifling their opportunities. My point? Spread the funds out, let more people who truly deserves it enjoy overseas education (with subsidies) and make the gradient uphill less steep.

    The existing situation is such that there’s this pile that goes all the way to the top and it probably can only accommodate a few person. Everyone fights to climb up the pile because no one is allowed to be in-between and then finally the ‘few’ are selected and poof, even those who are almost reaching now have to be on par with those who are right at the bottom.

    Hello Kitty

    Thai Police makes their staff wear Hello Kitty armbands for flouting minor laws as a means to shame them. It is to ensure discipline. The use of shame in Asian society as a means of punishment have become useful so much so that we are already at risk of desensitizing our people – probably accounting for ever-increasing shameless acts (which I shall not elaborate).