Use of talents

I wrote about finding talents; but what do you do after finding them? Do you leverage them? Do you beat them into conforming with the system and structures you’ve created? The use of talents is more important than finding them because you’re not going to keep them if you think that the transaction is just about remuneration in exchange for them applying their abilities to your problems.

Conditions need to be created to leverage on our talents better and that can come from remuneration but it also involves the structure of work, processes and the environment created by managers and prevailing cultures.

If you don’t have them, then finding talents might be a waste of time and resources.

Finding talents

Why is it that we are complaining about the shortfall of talents and then laying off people at the same time? What makes talents talented? What exactly is this all about? I thought about how we as humans have been trying to overcome our own constraints by using machines and automation but then strangely we subsequently have to justify how much better we are compared to machines.

Isn’t that a rather miserable existence?

What about this elusive group of talents that employers are looking for? What is being asked of them? And how much if it is possible? What makes talents hard to find and why are those attributes difficult to replicate, duplicate or scale?

Anyways is it not the very reason they are unscalable that makes them well sought after? Money may well attract talents but what fuels them? What keeps them going the way they do? Perhaps those are the more important questions for employers to ponder over rather than wondering where to find them.