Slack Off

Haven’t been blogging. I know. I was trying to type a Chinese article. It is supposedly about how my perception of Chinese Language change as I grew. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get my laptop (which contains the file) to hook online. Too bad, that will just stay in my laptop for now. In any case, I soon won’t be blogging because of the coming overseas camp. But when I am back, I probably be spamming a hell load of photos coupled with maybe 4 days long of blog entry – that is supposed to be posted when I am there.

I am going to Yunnan, and there is definitely no access to a computer, not to mention going online. Well, it isn’t that bad, because I am writing all the stuff (I want to type) down on some book or whatsoever I can find in the room of the motel. This is a great time for slacking.

Speaking of returning from Yunnan – going back to work, I thought I would be able to see our Third ‘Elected’ President of Singapore on the day of return, which is supposed to be a public holiday if there really is an election. Well, it turns out that I have met him – he is the same as the “Second Elected” one. No point being frustrated, it is alright anyway. In fact it is quite good that there is no need to wait for results and all these sort of stuff.

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