
Hi. This is Christopher Yang. Well, this post is in acknowlegement of Vib for allowing me an archive for some commentaries I produce for leisure.

Before I commence my debut post, I would first like accentuate the importance of taking into cognizance the fact that these are commentaries based solely on pesonal perspective, and statistics, data etc provided will be researched throughly to prevent any deviation from the factual truth.

Thank you.



夜晚,悬挂灯下。钢笔在纸上来来回回,写出了心中的话:“阿珍,再过一周,我就出狱了,你要是愿接受我的话,就请在镇外那棵老松树上挂起黄色的丝带。要是不愿接受我的话,那就算了。。。” 搁了笔,心想:好久没写字了,手指感觉麻麻的,就不必太长了,她没接受我的念头,也看不下去。


时间是美妙的,一周悄悄地过去了。这一日,阿财在八年前,确实很期待,但到了这一天,他却没感觉一丝的欢喜。他抱着唯一的希望 – 妻子会在松树上,挂满黄丝带。也或许,那是个负担 – 他犹豫着,忧虑着,担心结果不如他所求。那将是失望,一种无法形容的悲痛,而他得带着它去过那新生活,那陌生,却也充满机会的新开始。下午。天气决不非常,但空气,却似乎格外清新;这点阿财也注意到了,不禁深呼吸了几次,才肯往公车站走去。






“八年啦,他们没一次来看过我。这么久了,他们要是能接受我,便会在镇外那棵老松树上挂起黄色的丝带。那我就回家,要不就。。。” 阿财把手掌合起来,紧紧地握着那树叶,又往窗外看了。




阿财这时继续低着头,不知是不敢看那老松树,还是公车的速度太快,头抬不起来 – 就像过山车上的乘客。那青年激动地呐喊“怎么这儿建了一栋房子?老松树没了!”公车停了,大家见阿财还低着头,都静静地等待,不知下一刻会有何事发生。阿财这才慢慢地抬起头,看着那栋大房子;他慌了,急忙冲下车。老松树已被砍除,矗立在它位置的是盏街灯,正发出与监狱里灯泡一样的黄光。一个影子出现在阿财脚低,阿财抬头一望:是个一手牵着小男孩,另一手持着条黄色丝带的妇女 – 阿珍。阿财露出了八年来的第二个微笑。车上的人欢呼了,特别是那位青年。阿财的泪水溢出眼眶,滴在手中的树叶上。

Word Limit

Word LimitYes. I know there are word limit for essays, and perhaps for certain competition entries in which you have to write a shot paragraph of crap, or even an ‘SMS’ – but for a research paper? Indeed. Students are already deprive of voicing their views loud enough and here comes someone by the surname ‘Ng’, announcing that there will be a word limit imposed on the research paper than students are doing. Failing to abide by it will result in penalty that involves the reduction of marks and this indirectly torments the student mentally for it is his intellect that dicates the amount of stuff he write and it should not be the teacher. For a research paper, one should only be limited by the existing ‘literature’ or studies on the topic, and not the amount of words.

Other limiting factors could be the time given to complete the research, the standard or expectations of the student, the broadness of the research topic chosen, but never the word limit of the paper itself. Why on earth must one attempt to cut down on what he is supposed to write in a research? When I was doing my PhD, our research should involve intensive studies of the selected topic and the more the findings, the better, though you might have to account for more deviations. Anyway, by limiting the amount of words allowed in a research paper – regardless of it being a scientific or humanities one, teacher/educators are sending out the wrong message to potential great researchers. The attitude of a good researcher should be to probe, the deeper the better, and more intensive.

Limiting the amount of words is forcing the students or should I say potential leader in the field of scientific or social science research, the mentor is actually preventing the student from going more in-depth in the study. This would inevitably result in sluggishness on the part of the student: thinking that once he reached the word limit, he has completed the study. Or worst, he may end up cutting away all the important parts, even to the extent of compromising depth just to satisfy the word limit. Whoever who imposed the limit, do you think this is worth it?

I am sure you have done your Masters and I am clear that there is no word limit imposed for that. Let me ask you, if there’s a word limit, won’t you have failed the paper, given your lousy English? Haven’t you forget that you need to write a paragraph to express the same idea as others who can do the same in a sentence. You are so lousy in your English that ‘Plus’ is ‘Prus’ to you. So who are you to dictate the number of words student write in their research? As one of the first animal who majored human psychology, I can understand the kind of mental torture that such ‘limitations’ have of the students. I am sure they are going to state in their ‘Limitations’ portion of the paper: “Due to restriction in the amount of words I can write, I am unable to present any further findings of the research in this research paper”.


Mib came online this morning (Singapore Time) and told me something shocking. He told me his name appeared in Wikipedia! Well, it is nothing much actually, so my response is like, “Yea, so?” And so, he replied with his usual line, “For fun, laughter and joy”. Joy, yeah right. I ‘wikied’ his name and the results revealed no exact match – with one article about the surname, ‘Ye’. Mib, it really is nothing.

So I typed on MSN Messenger, ‘Oei, where got your name?’, and his reply was this URL. Click it and you know it is a dumb article talking a whole load of crap that is inaccurate and is extremely Japanese. And guess what Mib told me? He said he wrote some parts of the article. Okay, I believe him – because there were so many mistakes. To correct some of them: The ‘red words’ seal is not termed as ‘Hong Zi’, but ‘Zhu Wen’ (朱文) while the ‘white words’ seal is not termed as ‘Bai Zi but ‘Bai Wen’ (白文).

And the main mistake, a chop/seal/stamp in Chinese is known as ‘zhang’ (章), rather than ‘yin’ (印), because ‘印’ is referring to the image created by the seal and not the seal itself. Of course, with modernisation, and a tinge of Singaporean-ness, things just mix and merge, or become inter-changeable. Worst, he mistook ‘yin-ni’ (印泥) as the name of the red paste which is used for the ‘ink’. ‘印泥’ literally means ‘soil for forming seal image’. There is no exact phrase that mean the paste but since it is made from ‘zhu-sha’ (朱砂), people used ‘朱砂’ to refer to this red ‘ink’. To prevent further confusion, let me clarify that people nowadays uses a red artificial chemical paste for this purpose and it is usually sold with the label, ‘印泥’ – hence, Mib created this serious confusion.

Please note that all these mistakes were present at the time when Mib was writing the article (and when it is first published on Wikipedia). You may have noticed that some of the mistakes are now cleaned up – since I informed Mib about most of the mistakes.

With regards to personal ‘chops’, Mib, once again, commited a grave error despite confirming some factual details with me this morning. Apparently, he didn’t doubt his memory as much as he should have. Well, it is not exactly an error, he simply missed out one important section in this article, which I may eventually decide to file myself. Anyway, he didn’t talk about how the ‘chops’ are used in the Chinese Calligraphy or Painting works. This is extremely grave because after reading the part about personal ‘chops’, a ‘NOOB’ would have no idea why people want a personal piece of stone for themselves.

In conclusion, Mib is never lucky with Wiki because he’s articles always fail terribly (get voted out by viewers), or provide falsified information that might not be done on purpose. We got to feel sorry for Mib, and at the same time, support him by finding more errors in his articles so that he can perfect the information and reduce the number of misled persons. I thank all of your support on behalf of Mib.





当然,有时改改作业,写写几个话剧,更是不错的。普普通通的一个话剧也会搞得全场满座 – 学生都被迫去支持嘛。就因为有这话剧,我当天才不能与家人一起吃晚饭。最矛盾的事,当天是‘与家人共晚餐日’。天理何在呀!









