These days, it’s so easy to assert your identity through your words and expression in public, online, on record somewhere. More so than taking real action and working on this. Speaking up is important but people have made just merely speaking up such a heroic act it is beginning to worth less. I was surprised there was this concept of performative outrage, and the fact that people are increasingly pressured to perform that kind of thing. It has almost become some kind of social pressured religion of sort.
Tribalism works, and that’s where we have to learn to be careful with it; and I think the erosion of faith from mainstream and the desire to avoid moralising have made it harder and harder to stand up against the use of tribalism to manipulate people.
The future we want to create cannot be divorced from the culture we want to build, the constructive, creative people we hope could populate it. Thoughtfulness, gratitude, love and humanity needs to be in there; and these values never run out, they are only scarce to the extent we allow the market mindset and scarcity from economics to govern our supply of these acts.