Population & Urbanization

These are the huge topics to be tested tomorrow while all the others are enjoying their post-promos celebrations. The Mathematics examination practice frustrations drove me into a series of frenzy gaming session (which includes the dumb Miniclip Table Tennis and Heli Attack 3). The gaming session continued today with the part-holiday mood since tomorrow is the alleged last paper (that’s to assume that Chemistry Mock SPA is nothing to do with promos). I have been working through the lectures over the whole year and gained a certain degree of enlightenment on the issue which I have decided to talk about as a pre-paper writing exercise.

The fundamental ideas beneath the whole ideas interweaving the two topics is the comparison between the EMDCs and the ELDCs. After going through all the materials, we can safely make a few generationalisations: ELDCs face problems because of very standard factors that combines in the worst possible way. These factors includes corrupt government, lack of education of citizens, uneven distribution of resources, income, resource allocation, investments, funding, infrastructural development. All these spatial biasness translates into the problem within the urbanisation processes. Population problems of the ELDCs shares similar factors that includes lack of educated citizens, and the social mindset, coupled with poor institutional policies in place to tackle problems.

In contrast, the EMDCs are always blessed with economic growth, even if it is a little stagnant, great governments, with well-established political system that facilitates economic growth (namely, market economy or capitalist) and they would already have the infrastructures in place to solve the problems. In fact, most of the time, they are not perceived as problems at all. Underlying all these great perks of EMDCs is the fundamental product of the social and economic change that has taken place over the past few centuries – fertility drop. Following this drop, the population to share the resources amongst falls and everyone has a bigger piece of the pie, as compared to the ELDCs. It is thus rather clear that low population and momentum in the first place do pave the way for development.

I always argue that the existing EMDCs, the rising economies (ie. Korea, Singapore & Hong Kong) and the ELDCs usually have rather different paths of development. The EMDC experience is one that is confined to arcane ideas with a weird concoction of traditionalist ‘classful’ society and modernization in the old-odd way. The rising economies, on the other hand, have their secret in staying small and confining areas to control and regulate. The result of these closed control, open trade and economy system usually allows for better moderation of growth (as in what is desirable and wanted is taken in and the bad stuff are either prevented from entering all eliminated all together). Of course, the rising economies owe the growth to their size, the indigenous Asian culture and values, in addition to their willingness to experiment with alternative styles of development.

The ELDCs, the last point on hand, tends to have very weak structures. These weak structures give rise to chaos and breeds more problems. Those experiencing rapid growth have this ‘old’ problem of pollution probably because of the level of technology in which they engage. Unfortunately, this engagement of technology is not homogenous because they manufacturing sectors are not labour intenstive enough. The result is increasing unemployment, population rising not proportionate to increase in tax revenues and thus more burden on government and hence more debt incurred. This downward spiral is something that can really happen if the existing balance is not sustained by the trust of debtor or their kindness and cause the nation to collapse entirely.

Then again, no one is offering any solutions – and who’s this kid here talking these bunch of crap anyway…

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