又上报了 这已是第三次了。之前还以为昊旻有多威风,竟被报章记者访问,但这几次的经验后,我认为还是别出风头为妙。做个平凡,普通的人还是比较好的。别问我到底是上了哪个报,也别想知道我的样子 – 我想也没人会想知道,知道了也没什么,我样子无论如何,比秉元差就对了。连伟豪跟我比起来都好多了。 其实这次的活动,本想也把秉元拉进来,但是被校方“拒绝”了。总之,受访非好事也。大家可要记得! Published by Kevin L View all posts by Kevin L
Not all. Some is more personal based. Those reporters are damn zai. They get your contact and they keep getting back to you to see if anything that you mention previously develops and attempts to make another report out of it. Reply
orh ok. yeah the reporters hound you… that andrew guy too. too bad my comp skill sux beyond assembling comps, which kinda sux as well. Reply
i hate school politics. so much for “source for more opportunities to develop himself”
so it’s a school thing?
Not all. Some is more personal based. Those reporters are damn zai. They get your contact and they keep getting back to you to see if anything that you mention previously develops and attempts to make another report out of it.
orh ok. yeah the reporters hound you… that andrew guy too. too bad my comp skill sux beyond assembling comps, which kinda sux as well.