
After taking about 5 minutes to admire the review Terry has done of my blog, I felt rather dismayed by the fact that I scored the same ratings as Weixiang. Well, it isn’t that bad though I have to say that my blog is definitely more readable than Weixiang’s. Nonetheless, I seem to fare batter than Bingyuan and Mib, so I am rather satisfied.

The holidays are coming and I probably spend more time blogging. During the December holidays last year, I churned out tonnes of political post, which is now in an archive word document stored in my computer. Those were pretty crappy now that I look back at them and laugh at the lame jokes I have cracked about the school and fat people.

Reading Terry’s post on his site stats, I should perhaps, subscribe more such information so that I can have a better picture of how my site fare against others. Nonetheless, they are just pure tools of amusement that bring nothing much to life anyway. I initially typed a Chinese Article but that was on my auntie’s laptop, and I forgot to send it back to my email so alas, I am not able to post it here today. It talks about ‘substance’, the thing we should have before going on to do anything.

After I realised that people have the tendency to auto-skip Chinese posts, I am injected with a dose of confidence in criticising the school or whatever organisation with Chinese instead of English, since those big shot people most probably do not really understand Chinese. Hehe. Who really cares about the blog of a non-scholarship holder anyway. We are regarded as humans with low intellect, who deserves no attention.


  1. My guess would be almost everyone reviewed by ted would be getting about the same amount of stars, since they are all his favorite n also he is too nice to hurt anyone lor.

    Think I should make him cry? second thoughts, nah, he is my favorite teddy bear, hehehehe, that statement alone can make him kangcheong liao! So hor, you don’t bully him hor! =P

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