From China

Got some photos from China, from Yunnan and Hainan (From Leonard). I suggest you guys take a look at Leonards’ China Signs. It is really funny.

As for mine, I mentioned I shot 300 over photos but I only uploaded roughly 14, on my flickr. Here they are. Perhaps because I was anxious to get the shots, I realised that the pictures I took this time isn’t really that good. In a way, this series is more like a go for quantity than quality. Majority of the photos (out of the 300), were taken on the bus, and because I didn’t really have the time to think before I shoot, the quality is somewhat compromised.

Friday Scraps

Fridays are no longer occupied by our Co-cirricular activities. So we get to go home early. And when there’s no test on Monday, we slack a little. I spend last night playing around with photoshop once again (that was quite a hobby during the holidays) and created the following.


Don’t ask me why I did it or what the messages on the picture means. They don’t tell anything. They are there for decorative purpose. And I probably be coming up with more of these nonsense the next few weeks. If you guys want them as wallpaper, you can make a request from MSN and I’ll send you the 1024 X 768 version to you. By the way, that’s the biggest size it goes.

This offer is only limited to those who already have my contact, so don’t bother to contact me if you don’t know me.


Yay. Finally, we got Newspeaker up and running. For those who have been reading my blog since it was set up, you should know what Newspeaker is and how it represents Mib and my ideas. Instead of having it as a subdomain, we placed in right smack on the front page to give a whole new set of purpose and objectives.


Here’s a shot of it at the most primitive stage. Its content should be building up soon. For now, let me work on my studies first.