I wonder who writes textbooks. What kind of person and what kind of relationship would one have with the subject matter for one to write textbooks. And actually wondered that before, more than 12 years ago, and came to the conclusion that it’s useful but eventually we all need to learn things in our own words.
And so it’s more useful to make notes, to produce materials that have been thoroughly digested, distilled. I’ve previously distilled a whole bunch of materials for students at A-Levels; the students who were able to access them on the now-defunct ERPZ.net which I used to run were privileged.
For those preparing for A Levels right now or in the future, you might like to enjoy this privilege by purchasing my re-packaged materials linked on my writings page. They are available for sale at affordable prices. I spent 3 years teaching A-Levels students, and about 1.5 years teaching undergraduates Economics. So don’t miss the ability to take on self-learning and move away from being spoon-fed.