At some single-digit age I came to enjoy books, and stories. And at the age of 6 when I was in a mini-bus that was driving in and out of the Pinnacles Dessert in Australia, I spent hours telling stories to an attentive 4 year old friend I got to know in the tour group. I still recall his name was Marcus.
I seem to enjoy telling stories since young. Teachers repeatedly described me as talkative in class though I was certainly not the extroverted sort. It was also because I had attentive parents who gave me time, aunties and uncles who listened to me, undistracted by phone screens.
When I grew a little older I had a lot of opportunities to listen to the stories of other people because I started doing a lot of community work with the elderly folks. That was when I begin to discover the importance and power of the stories we are weaving, which we tell others and more importantly, ourselves.
Being able to tell positive, powerful and encouraging stories about our lives can make a difference to it. That is why I started working with people to ponder over their story and to discover how they want to write it, tell it and use it to achieve their desired careers. Head to my coaching page learn more about my coaching practice.