Internet Blues

Out of greed or whatsoever, I decided to sign up a free 60-day Internet connection for my computer and happily used it for one whole day until today, when it fail to respond to the call of my Windows PC. Somehow, the connection can still work with my Mac and hence, I have no choice but to blog with my Mac.

My previous connection is no longer linked to my current PC and so for now, there is no hope of getting my Windows PC back online. I tried renewing the IP address but with no avail. Somehow, the Windows PC is not able to configure everything automatically like my Mac. Here’s another reason for you to hate Microsoft.

i seriously would not have anything against this darn company if not for repeated incidents like that. The strange thing is that if you leave the machine alone and not touch the settings or whatsoever, it suddenly works for you. That leaves you with precisely no idea what happened or what’s wrong. In fact, almost every single device in my Home have contracted this deadly diesease and by far, the only solution I have is to whack them. Though not exactly effective all the time, the PC does start to run again after failing to boot sometimes.

Come on, make sure this Windows PC give me no more trouble tomorrow. Oh yes, have you seen the latest animation?

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