We create systems because they allows us to create some semblance of predictability, and there is consistency being generated along some dimensions. This creates efficiency, and when the system generates value this way, and serve a broad base of people, it scales.
But a system wants things to fit in, to be ordered by it so as to process and get things through. For example, there’s the system of prices and money, debt, some unit of accounting that is used to substitute more complex network of promises. It is incredibly successful and it wants to be able to allow just about anything and everything to be purchasable with money, and can be sold for money. We almost believe that to be the case, when people claims everything has a price to it. So when people don’t accept a price, and some things cannot be bought, they are considered an anomaly, a defect in the system.
Then there is the education system. It tries to grade everyone, and everything. And now it is being scaled into all skills and knowledge. Training and certifications have proliferated for just about anything and everything. And if you don’t perform, can’t get the right grades, you’re defective, because the system process you to be so; because the system can’t accept your reactions to it. They’d think you didn’t stay in line.
But what is the real defect, you or the system? Or maybe, if you can find the right perspective, the system is for some people, but not for everyone. And it’s good what the system might be doing for others; but can you get that same good from somewhere else?